Work Hard, Play Hard.
We only live once.
Hi! I’m Ching. You can call me Yuli. I’m born and raised in Taiwan. I lived in the US for about eight years since 2009. I am a graduate of Johnson & Wales University with a BS in Digital Media and Graphic Design. During my college years, I was working as a freelance graphic designer. Currently, I am based in Taiwan and working as a full-stack developer at which was founded by me and another developer. I mainly focus on developing WordPress websites. I love solving problems and learning new things in the process; developing websites has always and forever will be my passion.
嗨,我是 Yuli (尤理)。我是土生土長的台灣人,2009 去美國待了 8 年。從大學開始就在接設計以及開發的案子。強森威爾斯大學’13 主修視覺設計,畢業後在 Figmints Delicious Design 做前端工程師且持續自己接案子。對寫網站持有非常高的熱誠 (也可說是狂熱),一星期工作將近 100 小時也不嫌累。懷了第一胎也是持續在家接案子直到生產前,坐月子期間案子依然如期完成上線。回台灣後開設公司 做為全端工程師,提供品牌設計、網頁設計及 WordPress 網站架設。我熱衷於舉辦 WordPress 相關活動 (Meetups 小聚、WordCamp 國際研討會) 也貢獻時間在 Make WordPress Team。我也超愛打遊戲,目前都在打世紀帝國 IV 也有協助舉辦比賽活動唷。

Full-stack Developer & Co-Founder
Deja Vu Studio • Taipei, Taiwan
Sep. 2015 – Present
Front-end Developer
REI Conversion • Remote
Apr. 2019 – Dec. 2021
Web Developer & Project Manager
Freelance • Anywhere
2012 – possibly FOREVER ❤
Front-end Developer
Figmints Delicious Design • Pawtucket, RI, USA
Oct. 2012 – Aug. 2015
Web & Print Design Intern
Xzito Creative Solutions • Johnston, RI, USA
Jun. 2012 – Aug. 2012
Wedding Dress Assistant
Jing Hua International Wedding City • Hsin Chu City, Taiwan
Jun. 2011 – Sep. 2011
WordPress, BigCommerce, Magento, Shopify
HTML, HAML, CSS, SASS, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, JQuery, AJAX
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effect, Premiere
Chinese, Taiwanese, English